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+ Administrator Client
+ Client
+ Designer
- Server
+ Installation Issues
+ Calendar and Scheduling Issues
+ DECS Issues
+ Directories
- DOLS Issues
......Troubleshooting tips for DOLS installations
......Problem viewing "Out of Service" databases on a clustered server
......Internet password does not synchronize
......Large fonts in Netscape may cause missing plug-in link
......Limit subscription names to fewer than 30 characters/bytes
......Save Offline Subscription Configuration profile document
......Scheduled agents do not run offline
......Flatnames now supported
......When browser prompts to "work offline," choose No
......New Offline Configuration document required for database copies
......Moving extended mail files from one server to another
......Problems if Internet and Notes passwords are different
......5.05 DOLS: Live console can't display Off-Line service
......Cannot move main DOLS db to subdirectory under Notes\Data
......LDAP cannot be used for authentication with DOLS
......Optional files not synching if *.nsf added to Rules tab
......Save/send message w/attachment while off-line gives server error
......When adding a TCPIP address to the NOTES.INI
......iPlanet default setting prevents download control from loading
+ Domino Applets
+ General Issues